Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Creed's Debut, Sabu/RVD, D'Lo Note, Relic?

- The reason we haven't seen the debut of Consequences Creed just yet is because he's finishing his obligations in Japan. It was believed that he'd come in and team with Killings, but that isn't set in stone, neither is Killings' relationship with TNA. A.J. Styles was the main man behind getting creed signed.

- Against popular belief, neither RVD or Sabu have been in serious talks with TNA. They even went as far as to reject a meeting with Sabu. The feeling now is that Sabu isn't a big enough name or good enough in the ring to take a spot from a younger star. RVD on the other hand has Booker T status, but just hasn't shown any real interest.

- D'Lo's road agent work at Genesis was only temporary. He isn't booked for any future dates and some higher ups don't agree that he was a big enough name to have the skill as an agent anyway.

- The masked wrestler from Genesis who we revealed was former WWE star Johnny Stamboli will actually be going by the name of Relic, not Redrum or Blood...

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