Saturday, November 3, 2007

TNA: Judas' Mesias Return

Judas Mesias who is out with a sciatic nerve injury, is expected to return to TNA in early December at the latest. He will be defending his AAA World Heavyweight Title at the 11/30 AAA TV taping in Mexico so his TNA return should be around that time frame.

Sciatica occurs after trauma to the thighs or buttocks and it is believed Mesias got the injury after a nasty ladder bump.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i hope that judas mesias does come back because he is a brutal mental maniac in the ring and out and also i would like to say that a normal tna episode is better that a pay per vue on smackdown and mr dick man ruined wrestleing by taking away ECW long live pall haman and terry funk the hardcore legend ...........:)