Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Who WWE Didn't Want In CNN Doc., CNN Won't Apologize

On, there is a big interview with John Cena regarding CNN and taking his comments on steroids out of context. Cena requested that CNN apologize for their misportrayal of his personal character on the show. CNN's Director of Public Relations, Jennifer Dargan sent the following statement to WWE last night at 10:00 pm EST: "CNN felt that Mr. Cena's statement in the interview: "My answer to that question 'have you ever used steroids' is -- the only thing I can say -- I can't tell you that I haven't, but you'll never be able to prove that I have" was a more expansive and complete answer -- and that's why we used it in the first run of the program. And we stand by that decision. But, we added the other quote on the Sunday replay where Mr. Cena first denied using steroids. We did this because of his complaint and the attention it received so that viewers could see how he said it both times."

While CNN reporter Drew Griffin and his production crew were putting together their hour-long documentary concerning drugs in the world of professional wrestling, they were scheduled to do an interview with Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter. On the day Griffin's team was scheduled to come to his house to interview him for the story, a change in plans occurred. Vince McMahon wouldn't allow any interviews with anyone in WWE, including himself, if CNN put Meltzer in their documentary. In the end, McMahon won out as the documentary featured interviews with WWE employees, not to mention access to a WWE event backstage, and Meltzer was nowhere to be found in the documentary.

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